Wednesday, July 30, 2008

You have to love your work...

Okay. I've been doing this for about 14 years and whenever I start to get down about work something happens to always put me back on track and show why I love my work....I'll be brief....marijuana garden....eradication....the mope points a gun at an officer....I get to investigate it....the only mode of transpotation....just look at the photo.....WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Now I feel better....

I was at the gym this morning and while working out I saw something that made I need to share. I saw a guy running on the same treadmill I had been on last week. As he was running all of the sudden the treadmill screached to a hault. He had the same dumbfounded look on his face as I did. I must it admit I had to chuckle at his expense. But it gets better. After about another five minutes on the treadmill, you guessed it, "SCREACH!!!!!!" Needless to say I was now laughing my ass off and now I feel better.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Why is it whenever you think you're totally justified in being upset over something your wife had done, it comes back to make you look like an ass??? It's like there's an invisible barrier around the women that only the women can see. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE WOMEN!!!! Especially my woman. But I gotta say it sucks when 99.9 % of the time I think I am right, it turns not to be. Even though deep down I am probably right (at least I think I am). I guess I will figure it out one of these days but for now it's still a struggle. And it has been since the first love of my life. Yeah I know, I know, I sound like a Dr. Phil episode, sorry. But it was on my mind and I needed to vent. So, WTF????????


Saturday, July 19, 2008


I just noticed that I had a HUGE eye booger on my left eyelid in the last picture I posted....Yet another moment I get to laugh at myself.....What a goof!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I've confirmed why I am exercising again...

Okay, they say you should be able to laugh at yourself. Well I had a laugh this morning that I know you will enjoy. It's 5:15 am and I am running on the treadmill. I get about 5 minutes into it and the treadmill makes a sudden stop....almost causing me to ram right into the mid bar of the machine. The weird thing was it happened right at the 5 minute mark..,so I'm thinking I just messed up on the time setting. Ok, so I reset it for another 10 minutes and keep going. Not a minute later, BOOM, it screaches to halt again. Again, almost sending me into the mid bar. Now here's the funny part. I've been a cop for 14 years and I put my highly trained self into investigation mode. When I run I have always stayed very close to the mid bar as I've always not wanted to be that guy who falls off of the back of treadmill. So, when I look down at the mid bar trying to figure out why it's stopping suddenly, I see there is a red plastic emergency stop button in direct line with where my belly is when I'm running. Yes, you guessed it, my spare tire was hitting the damn emergency button as I was keeping close to the mid bar. Now in my defense (stop laughing Lali) every machine I've jogged on in the past had a lanyard you attached to your shirt as the kill switch. So after getting over the fact I was a complete dumb ass, and making sure the other people in the gym weren't holding back their laughter, I backed up a bit and finished my run, confirming why I am exercising again.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Ok, so I have this friend who convinced me to start my own blog...So here it is!!! I'll be honest my online activity is pretty much limited to online poker and some adult oriented material every now and then (mostly now, heh heh)....But I'm looking forward to getting this going and see what it brings to the table....

I am a huge Dream Theater fan and long for the day I can play my guitar 1/10 of the way John Petrucci plays....I am a firm believer you are never given anything you can't handle....Live each day to the fullest....CARPE DIEM!!!!!
