Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Why is it whenever you think you're totally justified in being upset over something your wife had done, it comes back to make you look like an ass??? It's like there's an invisible barrier around the women that only the women can see. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE WOMEN!!!! Especially my woman. But I gotta say it sucks when 99.9 % of the time I think I am right, it turns not to be. Even though deep down I am probably right (at least I think I am). I guess I will figure it out one of these days but for now it's still a struggle. And it has been since the first love of my life. Yeah I know, I know, I sound like a Dr. Phil episode, sorry. But it was on my mind and I needed to vent. So, WTF????????


1 comment:

Lali said...

Women are always right - even when they're not, they are - period. You'll never understand so don't bother trying.